Dialogue Transcript
The Socratic Method with: Elizabeth & Mikeal
Theme - Personal interest vs. Community's interest
Character #1 - Mikeal - Socrates role - IF
Character #2 - Elizabeth - Melatus role -GA
Elizabeth: *jaywalks
E: Hey wassup Mikeal, How are you doing today?
The Socratic Method with: Elizabeth & Mikeal
Theme - Personal interest vs. Community's interest
Character #1 - Mikeal - Socrates role - IF
Character #2 - Elizabeth - Melatus role -GA
Elizabeth: *jaywalks
E: Hey wassup Mikeal, How are you doing today?
Mikeal: Hey wassup, wait…..WHOA, did you just jaywalk to come over and talk to me?
E: Yeaah, what gives haha?
E: psssh, oh Mikeal, It’s just jay-walking. It’s a little law, it doesn’t matter that much haha.
M: mmm so, What makes a law less substantial than other laws?
E: Well… I guess some laws are less substantial than others because some laws cause less harm than others, like jaywalking to a felony.
M: Are you allowed to give your own interest priority over the community’s interest?
E: I don’t think so, The community all works as one unit, but I think it’s fine for little slips to occur in our complete agreement. So like, no; but kinda.
M: Yes, but what is stopping me from calling the... police right now, and reporting you as a jaywalker. Jaywalkers are lawbreakers afterall.
E: Because, you are my friend and that is rude.
E: Yeaah, what gives haha?
E: psssh, oh Mikeal, It’s just jay-walking. It’s a little law, it doesn’t matter that much haha.
M: mmm so, What makes a law less substantial than other laws?
E: Well… I guess some laws are less substantial than others because some laws cause less harm than others, like jaywalking to a felony.
M: Are you allowed to give your own interest priority over the community’s interest?
E: I don’t think so, The community all works as one unit, but I think it’s fine for little slips to occur in our complete agreement. So like, no; but kinda.
M: Yes, but what is stopping me from calling the... police right now, and reporting you as a jaywalker. Jaywalkers are lawbreakers afterall.
E: Because, you are my friend and that is rude.
M: Isn't it rude to separate from the community’s ideas?
E: Yes, I guess. Nobody is being offended or hurt, so I guess it’s fine.
M: Can you be sure that nobody is getting hurt?
E: No, I suppose not.
M: Tell me, What does being part of a community mean to you?
E: Mmmh coming to think about it being apart of a community means that I work with all my fellow community members to make the place we live a better one.
M: Well, you just jaywalked all over that darned street, what if you had gotten hit by a motor vehicle?
E: Yes, that would have sucked but I like to beat the odds. As long as I remember look both ways Elizabeth i’m sure ill be fine Mikeal.
M: But what if everybody in the neighborhood started to do that darned jaywalking? Would the community still be a safe place? Would we need sidewalks at all?
E: I guess a lot more people would be getting hit by cars. But I can't speak for the whole community I think you’re over exaggerating Mikeal. that would never happen to me.
E: Yes, I guess. Nobody is being offended or hurt, so I guess it’s fine.
M: Can you be sure that nobody is getting hurt?
E: No, I suppose not.
M: Tell me, What does being part of a community mean to you?
E: Mmmh coming to think about it being apart of a community means that I work with all my fellow community members to make the place we live a better one.
M: Well, you just jaywalked all over that darned street, what if you had gotten hit by a motor vehicle?
E: Yes, that would have sucked but I like to beat the odds. As long as I remember look both ways Elizabeth i’m sure ill be fine Mikeal.
M: But what if everybody in the neighborhood started to do that darned jaywalking? Would the community still be a safe place? Would we need sidewalks at all?
E: I guess a lot more people would be getting hit by cars. But I can't speak for the whole community I think you’re over exaggerating Mikeal. that would never happen to me.
M: *I ask again, can you be sure that you won’t get hit? What if somebody decides to jaywalk and that causes a car to swerve in front of you and you happen to get hit? You might be careful while jaywalking, but you can’t guarantee that everyone will be.
E: You know what, your right Mikeal indeed I am selfish for prioritizing my own interest and not the overall safeness of the community. Boy o boy I sure learned my lesson Mikeal. HAHA
M: So you won’t be jaywalking anymore right?
E: tsk tsk tsk si
M: So what now?
E: You wanna play futbol?
E: You know what, your right Mikeal indeed I am selfish for prioritizing my own interest and not the overall safeness of the community. Boy o boy I sure learned my lesson Mikeal. HAHA
M: So you won’t be jaywalking anymore right?
E: tsk tsk tsk si
M: So what now?
E: You wanna play futbol?