In this second unit of our Stories class we focused on what it takes to make Fable. I really enjoyed this unit because it was very interesting. We discussed the characters and traits of those characters in common and less-common fables out there. This unit and action project allowed us to explore a lot of creative options within our writing. In my action project I decided to write about the small dangerous adventure of a brown bear cub. The cub learns a very important lesson along the way but the cub's brothers learn a more important lesson. I hope you enjoy the Fable and maybe even learn a lesson along the way.
A Fox to a Cub
Once there was a small bear cub, his name was Pelo. Pelo was very small, very cute, and very curious. Pelo lived with his brothers and sisters. His two brothers didn’t like him very much because he got the most attention from his parents because he was so young and small. His two sisters loved to play with Pelo; they especially loved to play a game called Far. To play Far one person traveled into the forest to pick up items and bring them back to meeting place. The first bear to bring all the objects back would win. Mama and Papa bear didn’t like when the cubs played this game because they feared that the cubs would get lost in the dangerous forest.
One day the oldest cub suggested, “How about we try something new, maybe something more challenging.”
“Like what?” replied the other sister cub.
Pelo was waiting impatiently for his older sisters to decide what special object they would need to find. He really wanted to play, so he tried to pick something for the sisters to speed up the process. Pelo looked around impatiently to get an idea of what to find. Out of the corner of his dark brown eyes, he focused on the center of daisy and he immediately thought of the soft color of cheese.
“What about cheese?” Pelo softly asked.
“ I don’t know, doesn’t that seem too hard.” replied the older sister.
“Seems pretty simple to me.” said the younger sister .
“Okay, I guess” replied the older sister.
Pelo smiled with joy, and started hopping in excitement on his small paws.
“3, 2, 1, GO!” said the younger sister.
Immediately the cubs darted into the forest to find cheese, bring it back, and be crowned the winner of this special game of Far. Pelo eventually got tired of running and decided to walk. He walked for 9 minutes. Pelo eventually started to smell a familiar smell. It was CHEESE! Cheese was stuck in the cub’s mind, he ran deep into the forest to find the source of the scent. All of a sudden Pelo saw a small piece of cheese sitting on a rock.
“I found it! I win!” Pelo yelled out loud.
After Pelo yelled he noticed a large fox standing by the cheese that he didn’t see before. This terrified Pelo but he was too scared to move. The fox saw Pelo standing in fear and saw this as the perfect opportunity to upgrade his lunch from a single piece of cheese.
“Well hello there small bear”, the fox said. “ What is a small cub like you doing in the middle of the forest all by yourself?” Pelo couldn’t respond. He was frozen in shock.
“Well the darn thing must be broken, it won’t even talk nor will it move”, the fox said. “ Would be a shame for such a beautiful cub to go to waste. I guess I should use it myself, maybe as lunch.”
Pelo didn’t like the idea of being the fox’s lunch so he responded and backed up from the fox.
“I’m not sure that’s a good idea, I have a family who will do the same to you if you eat me.”
“Where are they now, I don’t see any hungry bears around,” replied the fox.
“They will come.” Pelo snapped back.
“ You are very brave for such a young cub.” replied the fox in a humble voice.
“ I must get it from my Papa, who you’ll be meeting very soon.” Pelo said in a stern voice.
Out of nowhere there was loud thumping coming towards the fox and the cub.
“That must be them now” said Pelo in a worried voice. He couldn’t be sure if it actually was his family there to rescue him from the fox.
Out of the leaves Pelo’s two older brothers popped out of the leaves to help Pelo.
"What is going on here?!”, yelled the oldest brother.
“We were just having a friendly conversation about my cheese” the fox worriedly replied.
“HE IS TRYING TO MAKE ME HIS LUNCH!” screamed Pelo as he cried and stumbled towards his brothers.
Pelo’s brothers grew angry at the fox and wanted to attack him.
“ Look, How about I take the cub, and you two can have all the cheese, berries, and fruit you would like.”
The brothers like the sound of having an unlimited amount of food. The two brothers talked and turned away from the fox to discuss the offer. Pelo was now
more frightened than comforted at the presence of his brothers.
Though the brothers were jealous and didn’t really like all the attention that Pelo got from his parents, they decided that their little brother was worth more than unlimited food. They rejected the fox’s offer and scared him away. The Brothers all walked and talked back home. Before they left, Pelo took a good look at the cheese that the fox left. He decided to leave it for the next cub to come by. They talked about how important family is and why it was so important to be safe in a dangerous world.
IF "Fox and cub" 2017 |
Family always comes first, and needs will be more helpful than wants.